That was so unnecessary but very much appreciated! I have it on my key chain and I know it will bring me a smile each time I catch a glimpse of that pretty little sparkle.

I am often touched by your comments and find them very encouraging and uplifting. My feedback on Etsy often brings tears to my eyes.
My husband often complains that I work too much. He worries when I'm stressed over too many orders. He sometimes, well, really doesn't understand why I do this.
Its because of you all. Its because I'm always inspired by your blogs and shops. I love to hear your comments. I eat them up!
When my fingers are sore and my eye lids are droopy, I still have a smile on my face. I can't wait to share my next project with you. When I hear that I have inspired someone to bring out their sewing supplies, I feel great that I've inspired someone else to bring more beauty into this world. When someone invests in one of my handmade items, I feel like its an opportunity to give someone a piece of my creative spirit. It so longs to soar...
I was on Pinterest for a few hours just drinking in all the beauty and my brain was working a million miles an hour trying to keep up with ideas. I love looking at how someone can take the same fabrics and materials I have and come up with something I never thought of. I'm in awe. I'm in love with handmade. What an amazing movement we are enjoying right now.
Maybe life is not all about stitching, piecing, embroidery, stuffing and all the pretty sparkles we play with day to day. But thank goodness it has a place in this world. Things can get a bit depressing these days. Money is tight and life can be a bit demanding. But for just a few hours a day, its all about pretty colors, bright patterns and oodles of imagination. That makes it very worthwhile and the perfect reason to start a new project. Don't you think?
I so agree with you, where would we be without our blogging friends and our stitching, you all keep me sane!! well nearly anyway. I find the days long and lonely but stitching gives me the joy to carry on.
Had to brag about you on my blog today!
Cheery wave from
I saw your pear pin cushion on another blog and had to come over to tell you how wonderful it was. Just beautiful. I know you must work hard but the end product is worth it.
You are very welcome for the little Angel charm. I love my beaded pins with the felt flower display. Your silk pear is stunning. I think we create out of love and care for what we enjoy. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...
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