Happy Holidays to All!
I'm back! I'm so sorry for such a long absence but its been busy around here!
Fiberluscious is my baby but now that she is a bit grown and on her own, she has stepped aside while my wonderful husband and I start a brand new chapter in our lives... A New Home! Simultaneously, we were blessed with a new grand daughter, who is now just past the 8 month old mark. Together with her 4 year old sister, I am enjoying full time grandma duty. Oh yes, my days are full and often I feel as if I could add at least another 20 hours to each day. I fall asleep every night very tired and satisfied. My life is full and happy and jam packed with love. Its as if all my dreams are coming true. A lovely family, a supportive, loving husband and a home to hold all the love I have to share, all right here at my fingertips. Life is very good indeed.
I rarely show my dear little one's on-line but here is a recent picture. You can see why they are top on my list of priorities! They made this years Christmas!
My husband Paul and I celebrated our 4th anniversary this year and after many many years of apartment living we took the exciting plunge and bought our first home together. We love it!
Despite our home's lovely bones, it has not been renovated in many years, about 40! Oh yes, lots of rustic brass hardware, funky built ins and a kitchen that is well, in much need of a full over haul. Oh yes, thank you 1970! It was so well cared for and has such potential we just couldn't resist. After a long and frustrating purchase process, we moved in this fall and have been working since.
Every day begins with a very long "To-Do" list. Depending on when the kids arrive, we try to pack as much in each day as possible. From sewing curtains to painting walls, it never ends. But, it is fun work.
I think the hardest part of decorating is defining your family's style. My husband can be very traditional, but also open minded. After living here for a bit, the home must also have it's say. In the end, I am going with a transitional, modern, mid-century, french country look. You know- the look that comes when real people really live in the home they love!

My husband and I are quite handy and willing to tackle just about any project from furniture to lighting. I'm the painter in the family and he is the builder. He works with metal all day and has a knack of creating furniture that is simple yet sturdy. An elephant could sit on things he makes! He is amazing! Together we are creating a home that is all ours.
Well, that is my post for this year. I wish I had more to share. Now that I have my studio unpacked I hope to have some new items soon. I can't wait to get sewing again!
I wish you all a very happy holiday. Merry Christmas to all and a very happy, creative and loving New Year!