Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tiny Pictures

Tiny Flower Garden Brooch

Tiny Meadow Wool Brooch

These are my newest brooches. I really love creating them. There are so many different techniques, materials and stitches, all on a tiny little scale. Its like painting with wool.
I begin by needle felting wool roving on a piece of recycled woven wool. I keep adding bits and pieces, colors and shapes until I feel like I have an image I can play with.
Then I add some machine stitching just to give it some interest. The wool is felted down well. The machine stitching brings it down a bit more, so I don't like to add too much. I have so many pretty threads I like to use now again.
I then will see if I need more wool roving to add details. In the first photo, I added a big flower up higher than the rest.

I will add embroidery at this point to bring things into focus. In the flower brooch, I used a few strands of metallic floss, some hand dyed cotton yarn and a few bits of perle cotton.
When I think I have a solid image I begin adding tiny seed beads. This is fun because I love the sparkle the beads add. Its tedious because I can hardly see the clear thread I use and the needle is so fine its hard to thread it. But when all is said and done, I really think its worth the time and energy it takes to create these little landscapes.

I hope you give them a try yourself. I'll try to get a tutorial up soon.
If you would like to purchase one of these little brooches, you can find them in my Etsy shop- Fiberluscious.
Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

arti3743rawat said...

"Celebrate with patriotic tricolor items."
badge tricolor