This is a new pincushion in my shop. I made it with a line of fabrics by Kathy Davis called. "Scatter Joy". The name is perfect for these prints. Just when I think I have them all, a new bunch comes in. Here is a bunch straight from the fabric store!

Here is another in that same fabric line. I simply used some free motion stitching to outline the print. I added a layer of cotton blend batting so the surface has a soft touch. I like quilted pincushion tops. The pins and needles stay up so nicely and are less likely to migrate to the center of the cushion.

Sometimes i just enjoy trying a new quilt block pattern. I was watching Fons and Porter's "Love of Quilting". Dodi Poulson was on. She designed a block called the Shattered Dresden. It was so pretty. It contains short and long dresden fans all in one block. The quilt she brought had another dresden which was more suitable for making a pincushion. She simply created a larger center circle. The fans were fatter. I used 12 in my block. I drafted the pattern using a protractor to create 12 equal sections. I then cut out one of the sections and added a 1/4 inch seam to both sides and the top. The smallest part of the fan is under the center circle so you can just lop off what you don't need. Here are a few versions of this pincushion.

I think my favorite is the modern rose print in yellow, pink and blue. Those are Mary Rose prints by Quilt Gate. I hand appliqued all of the petals and centers. I find applique so satisfying. I do use the fusible interfacing trick to make the round center. I just find it to be so fast and easy. The softer rose prints are more monochromatic so I found that some embroidery around the edges brought out the block pattern better. The first one I made was the bright modern print version with the yellow dotted center and the navy background, (its another "Scatter Joy" print!). They all came together quickly and it is always so nice to try something new.
I had a few fun requests. One is from a dietician who wanted to know if I could make some brooches for her to use on her job. She asked if I could make her some veggies! Well, you know me. I can't resist a challenge. I can't believe that I forgot to take pictures of them before they shipped. Luckily, I did have pictures of a corn cob brooch I make about 3 years ago.
I had a lot of fun designing it and I sure didn't mind a creative rerun.I also redesigned one of my wool pea pods. If I get another done, I promise to take pictures next time!

I really love working with my customers. The bring me so many wonderful ideas. Everything we design together becomes on of my new favorites. I have been working with a lovely woman in Japan for the past few months and she keeps me busy. I enjoy our conversations more than I can say. I am certain there is an automatic translator involved because things always some out in an interesting way. We both laugh! These are the things that bring me happiness and satisfaction in my work. Here is a pretty rose pincushion she requested.

My last thing I'd like to share is another non-traditional creation from this year. I used to make crowns and tiaras. I really loved the designing process. No two are ever alike. This one is for a lovely young mom who ordered one for each of her children. This tiara is for the newest one who I hope will come into this world knowing how much she is loved.

I hope to translate this design into a pincushion soon. The linen background and hand painted silk velvet play so beautifully together. I love the way the dye works on silk velvet. Its like a watercolor painting. Free motion stitching gives it even more of a painterly look.
Well, that's all I can squeeze in tonight. There are more orders to fill and I'm nearly done with a few. I hope you come and visit my Etsy shop soon. I have so many things ready to ship. I am also ready to work with new ideas!
Happy sewing!
I just love your Dresden pincushions!
These are all SO cute! You're so creative and talented!
Love , love , love ! :)
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