I wanted to give you an update on the next section of our Summer Garden Pincushion. I'll be posting 2 flowers in the next post. They use the same stitches. Better yet, there will be nothing to learn. The daisy and sunflower use stitches we already used. The way they come together is what makes them so pretty and different from each other. Check back early next week for that lesson. I will also be showing you some progress on a custom order I am working on. Occasionally I get a request for a new flower. This time its the Poppy. While I don't quite have the time for an instruction sheet on this flower, I'll show you how I designed it. I hope that gives you the inspiration to play with some ideas you may have in adding your own touch to your pincushion!
Between orders and tutorials I'm trying hard to squeeze in some new items for my Etsy Shop. Here are two new additions I added today. I have so many new fabrics and trinkets on hand. Its hard not to take some time to play now and again. This one is a double decker doosy! Its bigger than most, but that print and the large ceramic button just begged for some room to play. Find it here.

This pincushion is a variation on my tomato design. I've been admiring some fussy cut quilts lately. I picked up a sweet paisley print and I wanted to do a bit of experimenting. There will be more versions on fussy cuts soon. Its fun to let the fabric work every once in a while! If you saw my stash you would be itching to play with fussy cuts too! You can find this pincushion in my shop here.

I always have something in progress. I encourage you to take 10-30 minutes a day just to be inspired. Look at your new or old fabrics and let them tell you what to do. If they are quiet, just start cutting! I have a stash of strips in measured widths and some wonky pieces at the ready at all times. When I have a few moments I pick up a book and give a block or a stitch a try.

Here are a few of my current adventures. I actually have a box of blocks and embroideries! Some are dead ends and some are gems just waiting for a debut. If I didn't play now and again I think I would suffer from boredom burnout. You can only make the same thing just so many times before it gets stale and totally non-fun.

I have been so busy with custom orders that my playtime has been limited to a few minutes here and there. I feel total guilty the whole time because I know people are waiting for their orders. It is getting so hard that I finally had to decide to not take custom orders until after the holidays! That has not been well received. I am not good at saying no, but the requests continue so for now I've been able to say, "Can you wait till January?".
If my customers could just see all the pretty things I have in my head just waiting for uninhibited playtime, I know they would have more patience!
Then it dawned on me. If they could see what I see, maybe they would be as excited as I am to see what is coming if I only had time to play.
So here is a glimpse into the goodies I have been adding to my stash. When I can finally sit down with them and let them talk to me, there is going to be a creative party like no other!
I have so many ideas in my head I'm about to burst! So if you have seen my "No Custom Orders" note in my shop, please be patient.
The best is yet to come!
Just look at these....

These are just the fabrics! Did you see those lovely feed sacks! They are to die for. I'll be sharing a tutorial next year on how to design with prints. If you want some of your own, I got most of these feed sacks from Vintage Notion on Etsy. Jeong is lovely to work with, the service was outstanding and her selection is truly amazing.
I have new books with lovely wool felting ideas, patchwork books, applique books and then there is my brain.. just brimming with ideas.
I have sooooo many pretty buttons, crazy quilt embellishments, vintage doilies, buttons, laces and rick rack in a rainbow of colors! Its nearly impossible to be surrounded with these and not be able to play with them! Could you?
Well, now that I am drooling once again, I better stop. I have some work to get done. Maybe there will be an end in sight to my responsibilities and play time will be here. I'm hoping to fill my shop with holiday goodies featuring some of these wonderful materials.
I just finished a pear using these fabrics. I won't be taking orders for them till February. I just wanted you to see what I've been working on and how these fabrics inspired me to be unique in my work. This was just a joy to make. I hope the person who receives this is thrilled. I think it is one of my best yet!

In the meantime, I can't wait to share my new flowers with you. I think you will enjoy your play time with these pretty posies!
And remember.... its essential to find your own adventure. Take time to do the things that inspire you. Be sure to set a few boundaries. Yes dinner may be late, but you will whistle when you cook if you take time to feed your soul first!
And..more importantly... share your creative spirit with those you love. If you think your work isn't good enough, you are very wrong. A gift from the heart and from your hands is more precious than gold. You will touch those you love when you give a bit of yourself.
Talk to you soon!
So much eye candy that I'm drooling. :) Such a pretty post and I love your pincushions.
What you said at the end of your post about giving your work even if you don't feel it's 'good enough' resonated very loudly with me. I've been waffling over that very thing concerning something I just created and whether to give it to the person I made it for. What you wrote was something I definitely needed to hear! (Lovely selection of creative goodies in your pictures, btw).
You write with such passion and joy about your creative process! It is inspiring!
Sometimes you just need to create what you want to create, not what someone else wants. I love all of your new fabrics!
Can't wait to hear more about the poppy, that is one of my favorite flowers! I agree about letting your creativity flow, good for you for saying No, and how awesome that you have so many people waiting for their custom orders! Go You!
This post is packed with oodles and oodles of deliciousness!! Love it!! I am one happy gal looking at all the gorgeous 1930's feed sacks fabrics, the li'l snippets of crochet pansies and.....be still my beating heart...the crinoline ladies and the other embroidered pretties! 'Tis all perfect!!
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