The 1st is from PositivelySplendid.Com
It is such a beautiful tutorial with lots of pictures to guide you from start to finish. I know its a pumpkin, when we are thinking pears, but the pattern and construction are very close and I really wanted you to see her work.
Amy is so talented and she has an incredible variety of tutorials from t-shirts and pillows to a whimsical, colorful Christmas stocking- all stunning, original and drool worthy. Take a look!
Here is a sweet tutorial from April Moffatt Design. Simple and sweet.
April has some beautiful home dec tutorials you will want to try. She even has a cake decorating tutorial! Outstanding and very original. Many of her projects, such as her lovely ring bearer's pillow has been featured on the cover of Crafts N' Things! She has also contributed to other Crafts N' Things and Stitch Magazines. She has a lovely site and blog and some adorable tutorials. Stop on by and check out her tutorial here.

Its a small world. Here is a pear pincushion from Queensland! There is something so universal about our love of fabric and the joy of creating! Susanna creates for kids and she has a little legging tutorial that is so cute.
Here is a quick pear tutorial on Handmade in Bikkurim's Pear Tutorial
She swears it takes only 20-30 minutes although it's hard to believe you can get that much cuteness out of less than an hours work. Wish I could simplify every once in a while!
Take a look at her Etsy Shop and see what she has for your little one!
One of my very favorite finds is RetroMama by Kim. You can find her work here- in her Etsy Shop. and her Her Blog-

Patterns are great when you just want to share your love of creating with someone else. Send them one of her kits here!
Check out her Etsy Shop and see more of her totally sweet patterns and products!
Her sweet fabric house ornaments were featured in the "Make It" issue of Better Homes and Gardens. I emailed her to tell her how much I enjoyed the article and how much I love her shop and she graciously responded with encouragement. You know... artists are just the nicest people.
Kim has designed sweet softies, buntings, tea cozies and so much more. She also carries a line of brilliant felts in her shop so you can create some of her patterns with some of the same high quality materials she uses.
Now for my tutorial. It's about time, don't your think! I hope you give it a try! I encourage you to take any pattern you find and make it your own. No one sews, no one imagines, no one chooses fabrics just like you. Add your own style and go for it!
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