I work and chat with artists and clients from all over the world. Its one of my favorite parts of what I do. I've shared the work of Inna Bird from Russia, I was featured on Homespun Magazine in Australia, my pincushions have flown from all over the United States to the United Kingdom. The pincushion below was a collaboration from one of my dearest customers in Japan. She is lovely and I think of her my dear kindred spirit.

I think we all have so much more in common than we are told we do. I for one, believe in creating. Destructive words and deeds have no place in my heart or my life. When I hear the leader of my beloved America speaking with so much hate I want to cry. I want to have a world in which my grand daughters do not cower under their desks. I want them to have lovely, untouched land to visit and protect. I can't think of a single corporation as a friend or yet as a person who's voice is more important than my own. Yet our bank accounts carry unequal weight with our leaders and I don't consider that an equal right. When Trump speaks, I am embarrassed and very afraid. There are many more people like myself than those who support his ignorant and divisive rhetoric.
I hope we stop talking with so much hatred and venom. I worry that this leader has no commonalities with my values or my aspirations for my country. In this world at this time we all have to connect on a human level. If I do my part one stitch at a time, well I think that helps me sleep at night. If telling you that I want peace and prosperity for all, is one small step, well that is where the longest of journeys begin.
I don't want my readers from other countries thinking that all Americans only love those from America. Those would probably account for less than 1% of our population. We were built and have gained strength and beauty from the many cultures and peoples who have come to our country. We are all immigrants. We are brothers and sisters and we had better start acting like it if we want to survive. At the very least, let us respect, communicate and try to understand each other as human beings. We all just want to live a better life. Do unto others never gets old and it is after all, the golden rule.
Well, I guess that is all I have to say. Welcome to Fiberluscious. I am happy to meet you from where ever you come from.
Peace be with us all.