This is my newest pincushion. Once again, I wanted to tackle a technique I was afraid to try. Its the dreaded curved block. Guess what, it isn't so bad. It is a bit fussy and it took some practice, but I really love it. My inspiration to give this block a try was a chicken quilt block, well, many chickens. They are adorable and I wanted to design something Fiberluscious. Here is a bright rosey version.

Okay, I make tiny blocks. pincushions are normally 5-6 inches square or round, so to get 4 blocks in a design, the blocks need to be small. I totally recommend starting bigger. Most of you are probably quilters so you have that luxury. I kind of like the challenge.
I also recommend downloading or purchasing a template.I just couldn't find one for this small of a block. I'm sure if you do a search you will find a great one. To make mine, I started by drawing a square the a bit larger than my finished block. I'd love to walk you through this but I think you would enjoy this block so much more if you started with a template and watched a video. Thank goodness for the internet and all the wonderful quilters out there who are both capable and generous with their knowledge.
Well, lets instead talk about the design process. I think we all see ideas on the Internet and think how can I make this my own. That is what we creative souls do. The hard part is figuring out what that is. I was going for whimsy. So I added a big old beak and a gathered comb to the back of my rooster's head.

The hardest part was figuring out how to fit them into an already bulky seam. My tip is to just give it a try. I just added a 1/4" seam to my shapes. I cut out 2 layer, sewed the shape, trimmed the seams. I turned them right side out and pinned them to the seams at the front and back of the head. I don't think this design would be the same without the way they stand out from the rest of the block. Too fun!
I finished the block by adding some nice big back stitches in #8 Perle Cotton. I tend to fall to my embroidery techniques when I quilt. I find it easier to get regular stitches. I have no idea how hand quilters get such beautiful stitches. I think it is so lovely and I hope that the tradition never ends.
Well, until you take on your next challenge, you will never know if you can do it. So just dive right in! It feels so great to do something you didn't think you could. Its the little victories in life that bring satisfaction.
Well, I better get to my shop orders.
You can find these pincushions in my Etsy shop Fiberluscious. They are still there today but I'm not sure how long they will last. If they are gone, give me a shout out on my Etsy shop and I will set up a listing for you. The blue version is here and the pink rose version is here.