You just have to take a look at her designer nests here.
I will be creating a lovely pincushion using the buttons from Cynthia Crane. I've mentioned her a few times this month. You can see her work on the Giveaway Page along with links to her site. I cant' wait. In fact, I'll be asking for a bit of your input on which fabrics you may want to choose if you win!
I hope your holidays are warm and wonderful and you did not get too stressed with your shopping and cooking. My granddaughter and I made a gingerbread house. My first ever! It is a bit wonky and has a lot more love in it than skill. Some projects are all about the journey and who you take it with. Little Brookey is my favorite partner in creative crime. It was a fun project and I have some left over dough.
We used more than our share of glitter this year. Here are our sparkly presents we gave to the family.

I was really pretty good this year. I didn't take on too many projects. I got all of my holiday gift orders out in time. I still have a lot of orders to get out. Its been quite a year!
As I near my 800th order, I'll have to get another giveaway going to share that milestone with you all.
I did manage to fit in a new design. Its close to my tomato design, but with a feather stitching instead of ties. You can find it here-

I finally used one of my wild and sunny printed fabrics! I bought it to try some applique projects. In the meantime, it made a fun pre-printed fabric to embroider on. Find it here-

This was also a fun project where I embroidered an existing design. I centered it on a little log cabin block. It sold in less than 30 seconds! I think that was an all time record.

I wish I were a fly in all the Christmas trees that had my pincushions underneath. I received some lovely thank yous. I think there is nothing like a homemade gift. I encourage you all to start sewing now so you can give a bit of yourself next year.
Well, I actually didn't get all my holiday tasks done. In fact, on Friday, I tore a muscle in my shoulder and couldn't move my right art, wrist or fingers! 6 days later I am functioning a bit more. I'm under orders not to move it for a few weeks. I'm thinking that will not work out for me since I have about7 orders pending from the holidays! Oh my. There is never time for things like this!
One wonderful lesson I learned this year is to stretch out the gift making. Now, if I could remember where I put Ashley's yarn and Sam's perfume (bought in June!) That way you will have them done no matter what happens in December!
I learned that a wonderful holiday is not about how many cookies you make, or if your feast looks like a Pinterest Pin. I even gave my gifts without a bit of wrapping paper. I couldn't use the tape dispenser! I simple put things in a box and drew pictures on top. My boys pitched in and helped me cook! Everyone liked their boxes and hopefully what was in them. In the end, it more about who you are with, not about the things from the store.
Mostly I learned that I am really loved. I was well cared for and the love of my family was the best medicine in the world.
Hope you all had the best Christmas ever!
I wish you a happy New Year. Learn lots of new things. Help those around you. Ask for help when you need it. Smile and laugh often.
I'll see you all Next Year!