
Friday, December 14, 2012

More Holiday Cheer!
The adorable snowmen above are from Amy Powers Inspire Company. She even has a tutorial for these cuties. Check it out here.

I really have a thing for snow peoples. I live in the midwest and I believe it's mandatory. We just had 3 inches of the most beautiful snow on my birthday this past Sunday. I woke to what looked like diamonds shimmering from every branch. The snow fell all day. It was fluffy and wet, which makes the best snowball snow ever.

Here is a Snowman which you can buy in a kit or simply a pattern from one of the best shops on Etsy. Cheswick Co.

I have been ordering my emery from Cathy all year and she is the best. Her work was recently featured in the Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Gifts Magazine. She deserves every success. She's on vacation this week but you can visit her blog here and soon I hope you stop by her shop here.
Here is the kit I still have to get to for my oldest. I give him and his beautiful wife a snowman ornament each year. I guess I better get sewing!

This is another tradition I want to start, especially with my grand daughter Brooke. I got this image on Pinterest. It comes from the Family Farmers Blogspot but unfortunately, can't link thru Pinterest and I can't find it with Google.
Any hoo... the idea is that you write down your child's Christmas list on paper and stick it into an ornament with the date.

This idea is from Christy Robbins. blog. She cut her wedding invitation in strips, curled them and put them in an ornament.

I would love to put my family's dreams, accomplishments and wishes in a ball each year. All those pretty ornaments will someday be a record of your family's traditions. How wonderful is that?

Each year, I dream of creating the most amazing gingerbread house in the world! Alas, I barely get a few dozen cookies made. But this one is worth sharing. Its from With Love and Confection.

I have found that graham crackers make for a quick substitute. add some squeezy frosting and some M&Ms and I can avoid feeling too quilty.

Before I go, I just have to send all of my prayers and healing thoughts to the families in Sandy Hook Connecticut. I called my boys and spent the day with my grand daughter. I take these events to heart and it feels like mine hurts today. I hope you all kiss and hug them extra tight this year. Lets hope and pray for their healing and for a nations healing, so these things stop happening.

Happy holidays once again. I hope to add a few more of my favorite things before the big day arrives. I'm most definitely a holiday lover and often feel that I was one of Santa's elves in a past life.

Ho ho ho!


  1. Oh, late Happy Birthday! Hope it was wonderful and that your holidays will be too!

    Cheery wave!


  2. belated birthday wishes. Love the idea of putting things inside a bauble.

    My prayers are also winging there way over to Connecticut, such horrendous thing to happen and so so terrible for all those who have lost their loved ones. I am also so concerned for the children that saw this terrible atrocity and how it is going to effect them in the future.
